Saturday, May 10, 2014

Perth's first cold front for 2014

Finally, for the first time this year, we have experienced the passage of a relatively normal strong cold front.

It brought with it plenty of rain, wind, and for lucky people in south of river areas, there was lightning overnight.
I was in the Rockingham area for the afternoon so I was able to photograph a lot of the features of the front as it came in.

As far as weather goes, it was just your average winter cold front. Minor damage to homes meant that I was called out as an SES volunteer to patch some leaks.

I also got a timelapse video of the front moving in.

120 Degree panorama showing the front area of the storm.

Throughout the day quite a few people stopped by to watch the weather.

As the rain fell, so did the visibility.

Is it a funnel cloud? Nope. It's a scud. They are often causes for false tornado or waterspout alerts.
More info is in the storm spotters handbook.

Once blown over, there is no damage from the scud clouds.