Friday, August 31, 2012

August in Brief

With regards to weather, I can say that this winter storm season was a write off. Apart from the Morley Tornado back in June, there was nothing to write home about. No lightning to photograph, no damage to repair. I worked hard to obtain as many photos as I could around my schedule, and so here are my favourites this month:

It is obvious here that I had no tripod available.

Here is hoping that September has the storms I very much need to remain sane.

We are looking at some good rainfall on the first Monday of September. Complete with thunder and lightning also.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

York sleepover

I recently went on a young people's trip to York overnight. It was awesome.

I got these photos while I was about it. Click any photo to go into gallery mode.

Bonfire under the stars. 30 sec exposure. Borrowed a D1500.
My makeshift tripod.

Heat release
Slept in a shearing shed. Smelt of sheep and their byproducts.

Just before direct sunlight hit the clouds.

Sun at perfect intensity.

Looking west away from the sunrise.

A little bit of Agriculture Porn here. Canola I believe.

Thursday, August 09, 2012


Recently I went to Busselton for a short stay. Here are my favourite photographs.